The Audition Method for Clarinet, Vol. 2
By Benjamin Baron & Mark Nuccio; edited by Christine Carter
Composer: Benjamin Baron
Publisher: GIA Publications
Movement/Section | Duration: N/A |
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From the authors:
"We offer this guide to aspiring and established clarinetists as a tool for preparing auditions and achieving greater success in the process"..."While also a tool for developing orchestral playing, the information provided is based on the audition process and how best to distinguish yourself from others when playing alone on stage."
Each excerpt is provided in three versions: the Original Part, an Annotated Part, and an Audition Part. The original version is included for reference, as these reflect the music that will likely be provided by orchestras at auditions. The audition version includes additional (mostly traditional) markings, provided to help achieve the musical goals of each passage. and developed to be used in performance. The annotated version has all of these markings, as well as "non-traditional" markings and instructions written into the part to aid in preparation. All additional markings are colored in blue, and all original markings are in black.
Each excerpt comes with a written guide that includes primary and secondary points of interest when preparing for an audition. A number of practice exercises are also provided with suggested methods for overcoming specific challenges in each excerpt.
Clarinet Concerto, movement IIWolfgang Amadeus MozartDances of GalántaZoltán KodálySymphony No. 3, movement IIFelix MendelssohnToscaGiacomo PucciniScheherazade, movements II, III, IVNikolai Rimsky-KorsakovFirebird Suite (1919)Igor StravinskySymphony No. 6, movements I, IIIPyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky -
Performer / Ensemble Link Comments -
Pages: 125
Pages (score):
Publisher Code: G11065
UPC: 9781622778010
ISBN: 9781622778010
Length: 30.5 cm
Width: 23.5 cm
Thickness: 1.494 cm
Weight: 444 g